1- Chavkin, Samuel. “Storm over Chile, The Junta Under Seige”. New York, 1985. Lawrence Hill & Co. 303 págs. 2- Vicaría de la Solidaridad. “Todo Hombre Tiene Derecho a ser Persona. Concursos: *Afiche-Literario-Pintura Infantil ”. Santiago de Chile, 1978. Arzobispado de Santiago.174 págs. 3- Amnesty International Report. “Chile, Evidence of torture”. USA 1983. Amnesty International Publications. 76 págs. 4- Winn, Peter. “Weavers of revolution, The Yarur workers and Chile´s road to socialism”. New York, 1986. Oxford University Press. 328 págs. 5- Perlo, Victor. “End Fascist Terror and U.S. imperilism in Chile”. New York 1984. New Outlook Publishers. 56 págs. 6- Marshner, W.H. “Chile First Hand- A report from Santiago”. St. Paul, Minnesota,1974. The Wanderer Press. 79 págs. 7- Touraine, Alain. “Vie et mort du Chili populaire”. Paris, 1973. Editions du Seuil. 288 págs. 8- Lernoux, Penny. “Cry of the People: United States Involvement in the rise of Fascism, Torture an d muerder and persecution of the Catholic Church in Latin America”. New York 1980. Doubleday Company. 535 págs. 9- Mignone, Emilio. “Witness to the truth: The complicity of Church and Dictatorship in Argentina, 1976-1983”. New York, 1988. Orbis Books. 162 págs. 10- “The Highest example of heroism, Salvador Allend (Speeches by Beatriz Allende, Fidel Castro”. La Habana, 1973. Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Instituto Cubano del libro. 106 págs. 11- Truth, I.M. “¿Qué es la vida en los campos de concentración de Alemania?”Buenos Aires, APA. 18 págs. 12- “Salvador Allende, The Peoples’s President”. New York, 1981.12 págs.